Keystone Color-Select ComboDrive X3: The 1 Lamp to replace any 4′ fluorescent T8

If you have been inundated with all the LED T8 lamp choices and just want a lamp that can do it all, look no further. Keystone Tech has upgraded their ComboDrive X3 LED T8 to now be color-selectable, so now there is 1 lamp that has all the colors and can be installed in whichever way you prefer.

If you are unfamiliar with the ComboDrive X3, it is an LED T8 that can be installed in plug-and-play format on the existing ballast (if compatible) or it can be installed with the ballast bypass method with either single-end wiring or double-end wiring. This is a good option if you have a newer ballast and want to use the ballasts up and when they die off you can bypass the ballast and wire direct. Double-end wiring meaning you are basically keeping the sockets how you have them and are just bypassing the ballast while single-end wiring would be to use a new non-shunted socket and wire both the power and neutral to one end.

Keystone makes the color-select ComboDrive X3 in 2′, 3′ and 4′ lengths. The color-select dipswitch is factory-set to 4000K but the full range is 3000K/3500K/4000K/5000K/6500K. Many other vendors only go 3500K-5000K, so to have the 3000K and 6500K as an option is a benefit as in certain applications those color temps on the far end of the scale are sought after.

Keystone Color-Select LED T8s

Keystone KT-LED13T8-48G-8CSJ-X3 – 4′ 13W ComboDrive T8 3000K-6500K
Keystone KT-LED10T8-36G-8CSJ-X3 – 3′ 10W ComboDrive T8 3000K-6500K
Keystone KT-LED7.5T8-24G-8CSJ-X3 – 2′ 7.5W ComboDrive T8 3000K-6500K

Keystone KT-LED14.5T8-48G-8CSJ-DX2 – 4′ 14.5W Ballast Bypass T8 3000K-6500K
Keystone KT-LED15T8-48G-8CSJ-DX2 – 4′ 15W Ballast Bypass T8 3000K-6500K
Keystone KT-LED12T8-48G-8CSJ-DX2 – 4′ 12W Ballast Bypass T8 3000K-6500K
Keystone KT-LED10.5T8-48G-8CSJ-DX2 – 4′ 10.5W Ballast Bypass T8 3000K-6500K
Keystone KT-LED11T8-36G-8CSJ-DX2 – 3′ 11W Ballast Bypass T8 3000K-6500K
Keystone KT-LED7T8-24G-8CSJ-DX2 – 2′ 7W Ballast Bypass T8 3000K-6500K

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