K9 Dog Kennel Facility LED Lighting Upgrade

Generally when the topic of Circadian Lighting is brought up, the focus is on how the light will affect human beings. But of course we aren’t the only species on the planet and thus we must consider how it will affect other creatures.

The case study for today focuses on a K9 dog kennel facility owned and operated by the City of Minneapolis. The existing legacy lighting was becoming more dim as time went on. Some fixtures were out completely and overall the area needed a facelift.

Changing color was one focus for the kennel. Warmer light has it’s advantages but as a rule of thumb, the total light output of a given source will be higher as the kelvin temperature increases. In turn, Premier proposed an upgrade featuring new LED canopy fixtures at a whiter color that are rated for 100,000 hours of use.

This transformed the dog kennel area to the point where it was much easier to see and perform cleanup tasks. The long-lasting, vandal-proof nature of the LED canopy lights meant that they would be a stable light source for many years to come. The new fixtures will also help keep the dogs awake and alert while they are on duty. The lights aren’t blasting full power 24/7 though as they are 0-10V dimmable and get shut off completely at night, so the dogs do get their rest!

Saving energy and lowering long-term maintenance costs is nice but as always, the number one thing with any lighting application is making sure the lights are sufficient for the tasks that need to be accomplished in a given area. If you have a lighting application that needs to be analyzed/upgraded, contact Premier Lighting today and we would be happy to assess.

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